Flexible, Customizable Pricing Plans

$4,500 + $100/month
separate our pricing in two ways in order to make our product and
service as flexible as possible for you. A full breakdown on what
affects pricing is detailed, but an example of a typical Homeroom website would look like this:
- Full access to the standard content management tools
- Unlimited content pages and editing tools
- Event Manger
- News Manager
- Private Pages
- Social Media Tools
- Newsletter Sign-up
- Full custom design, including an initial design consultation and multiple revisions
- Customized "call to action" graphics based on your needs
- Live training prior to launch
- Domain name registration (if necessary)
- On-going live phone support
- Hosting fees included in monthly price
- All future updates, bug fixes and new basic features are included for the life of your site.
Pricing Customization Breakdown
- Homeroom can be customized to include only what you need for your website, allowing you to choose what you need while maintaining your budget.
- New features can be made available as soon as they are needed.
- Your level of content control can be set based on your needs, allowing you to save on monthly costs if necessary.
- Custom programming is available for those needs that may fall outside of the core features of Homeroom. Contact us to discuss the possibilities available to you!
- We're proud of our graphic design and happy to offer it to you for much less than what you would get if you were to go with ad agencies or other web designers.
- Just like our features list, your level of design can be customized to fit your needs and budget.
- We offer additional services related to Web Design, like e-newsletter templates and Flash animation.
- Our design is always professional and focused on usability and getting the information that is important to both you and your audience.